Saturday, March 27, 2004

Another Reason to Vote Republican

They're funnier, says NRO's Michael Graham:
[O]nce upon a time, the Democratic party knew how to party. We conservatives were the staid, humorless, easily offended sticks-in-the-mud, while our liberal counterparts spent tax dollars on irreverent performance art and told us to lighten up. The Left had Lenny Bruce and the Smothers Brothers, while the Right had the comedic stylings of Richard Milhous Nixon.

Wanna guess who was having more fun?

The current brouhaha surrounding President Bush's performance at the Radio and Television Correspondent's Dinner shows just how completely things have changed. Liberals, who urge taxpayers to be tolerant of portraits of the Virgin Mary that include publicly funded elephant dung, are outraged over a simple joke. And a funny one, too.

What happened? Somehow, over the past 30 years, liberalism has mutated into something akin to an anti-comedy vaccine. The more you're Left, the less you laugh.
It's more than humor. Sometime after 1960, Democrats flipped sides and became the party of pessimism. Naturally, liberals blame Bush:
I think that what has aroused their passion isn't the joke, but the laughter. "Don't you know how bad things are in America?" Democrats seem to demand. "Don't you know how evil President Bush is? How can you laugh at that monster, particularly when he's talking about the most horrendous moment in American history -- the invasion of Iraq!"
Today's left is overly earnest. Conservatives laugh because they can--and as often as possible.

I know which side I'm on.

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