Sunday, February 08, 2004

Moviestar Idiots--A Continuing Series

Bill Dawson spotted another Hollywood howler, this time from Renee Zellweger, in an interview for the Austrian magazine "Woman" (who knew Austria spoke English?):
Once, for example, the largest anti-war demonstration since Vietnam happened in San Francisco, yet when I wanted to discuss it with my friends in Los Angeles, they knew nothing about it. They simply didn't believe me.
Uh, does this make sense? Dawson thinks not:
Yes, Ms. Zellweger, . . . there has indeed been a massive conspiracy on the part of all big media corporations in America, who, because of their blatantly pro-war beliefs, decided together that they would not air anything concerning anti-war demonstrations. My American readers can confirm this, right? I mean you're thinking, "What demonstrations?!"
Renee, if you and your Hollywood buddies would read newspapers or even watch TV, rather than chat about personal trainers at Beverly Hills cocktail parties, you might have an f*ing clue!

Nah--too much to ask. (via The Corner.)

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