Saturday, February 07, 2004

Global Temperature Change

I'll return to this subject often, especially as candidate Kerry's reiterates his position. For the curious, Kerry believes that global warming is America's greatest threat since the cold war. (Proposed question for future presidential debate: "Senator Kerry, more than 3,000 Americans were killed by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2001. How many Americans have been killed by global warming; and, if your answer is less then 3,000, tell us why your administration would give greater priority to global warming than to international terrorism?")

Addressing the substantive issue, I recommend Ronald Bailey's testimony before a House Subcommittee this week. Bailey, science correspondent for Reason Magazine, posted his statement on Reason's website.

Bailey's testimony is a must for rebutting enviro-wackos, along with Bjorn Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist, Bailey's review of Lomborg's book, and science and science fiction writer Michael Crichton's September 15, 2003 speech in San Francisco (recently removed from Crichton's website, but mirrored here).


Dr. Roy Spencer summarizes his recent testimony over at TechCentralStation.

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