Thursday, February 12, 2004

The Arab Street

Steven Den Beste's latest is even more laugh-out-loud, milk-comes-out-of-your-nose funny than usual. Here's how he begins:
Arabs are criticizing an Arabic satellite channel produced by the US. It is intended to provide more balance in news coverage. But even some who don't condemn it think it's the wrong approach: But Dahroug added that Washington's image won't improve among Arabs until it changes its policies toward them.

Hey, you dumb Yanks! Appeasement, OK? That's how you make us friendly. It's all your fault, so you do all the changing and sacrificing!
But wait, there's more:
Arafat's wife, who lives in Paris, is being investigated for money laundering. She blames the Israelis.
Do yourself a favor--read the whole thing.

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