Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Puzzling Polemic of the Day

Saturday's Washington Post included an editorial asserting the Blagojevich scandal showed the need for further campaign finance reform. This is, to put it mildly, unpersuasive: What Blagojevich did on tape already is illegal--how does that support additional election rules?

That lack of logic is compounded by the editorial's first sentence:
As the example of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) illustrates in profane, sickening detail, you can't legislate morality.
Huh? Soliciting bribes not only is immoral, it--again--already is illegal.

We legislate morality all the time. Liberals know it. Just listen the next time they fulminate about corporate polluters or the supposed crimes of the Bush Administration Department of Justice.


OBloodyHell said...
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OBloodyHell said...

> We legislate morality all the time. Liberals know it. Just listen the next time they fulminate about corporate polluters or the supposed crimes of the Bush Administration Department of Justice.

Screw that.

You can't buy pate in Chicago.
You are limited in your trans-fats in LA.

And NYC is now considering a tax on non-diet drinks.

The nanny state. It's not just here. It's the law. Seig Heil!!

@nooil4pacifists said...

And those, too, are based on morality, albeit one I don't share.

Anonymous said...

Is he guilty until proven innocent?!