Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Milestones You Can Use

According to Elder of Zion:
We have reached the "grim milestone" of 500 Pal[estinian] Arabs that we have been able to document violently killed by each other this year. . .

Don't expect any press releases about this milestone, though.
For comparison, Israeli Security forces in the West Bank and Gaza are said to have killed 164 Palestinians in 2007. The latter figure is from B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

Elder of Zion's count includes vast numbers of innocents, "children handling bomb belts, or people shot and killed by gunfire during wedding celebrations, . . . even the three 'honor killings.'" Most of the dead tabulated by B'Tselem were killed when "participating in hostilities" against the Israeli forces. Lest you suspect the figure's a whitewash, I note that B'Tselem is a leftist NGO, headlined in today's Washington Post calling on the Olmert government "to remove the parts of its 456-mile separation barrier that dip into the West Bank, evacuate Jewish settlers from the territory and eliminate restrictions on internal movement." And the B'Tselem count doesn't include exploding sheep, luckily disarmed before deadly.

Even so, this year, the Palestinian death-wish accounted for over 330 souls more than the supposedly genocidal Zionist occupation. Not that anyone will see any significance in that.

(via Instapundit, Little Green Footballs)

1 comment:

Elder of Ziyon said...

Earlier this year, for 23 weeks in a row, more PalArabs were killed by PalArabs than by the IDF.