Wednesday, January 18, 2006


This is outrageous. Imagine the screams if Republicans produced an anti-Robert Byrd ad featuring white hoods and burning crosses. Oh, wait a minute: Byrd actually was a "Kleagle" for the Klan. Imagine the protests were Senators to insist on inspecting a protest organization's membership list, trampling First Amendment and privacy rights. Oh, wait a minute: Ted Kennedy did just that.

On behalf of decent Americans, I apologize to Clarence and Ginny Thomas.

(via The Corner)


benning said...

Ugly, but unsurprising.

Vader said...

"On behalf of decent Americans, I apologize to Clarence and Ginny Thomas."

It isn't the decent Americans who need to be apologizing.

If you were meaning to apologize for not producing a society in which the media would refuse to air such an ad, well, c'mon. The Democrats have been in the majority for seventy years or so. It's not our fault.