Monday, October 15, 2007


Columnist/author Christopher Hitchens addressing the Freedom From Religion Foundation last Saturday:
Responding to a question from an audience member on what he said was the futility of killing Muslims in Iraq to end extremism, Hitchens parodied:

“‘How does killing them lessen their numbers?’ You must have meant something more intelligent. … We worry too much in America about our ‘right’ to be in Iraq.

“Make them worry. Make them run scared. … I’m going to fight these people and every other theocrat all the way. All the way. You should be ashamed sneering at the people guarding you as you sleep.”
(via Althouse)


Unknown said...

FFRF is a humanistic organization which worships the human bee-in. Under the guise of atheism, they have their own gods, themselves and those who follow them, same as
a Rush Limbaugh

These folq are reverse-racist to the max, diversity freaks whose agenda is essentally as noxiouis as the Christian. Each has a lot in common, esp. on Immigration (RCC, goody-goody type Protestors) and the preciousness of Homo Sapien
as a species.

They are anti-non-human animal, are every bit the "theocrats" a James Dobson is.

Hitchens is a particulary loathsome know-it-all, is in favor of the Iraqnam policy.

@nooil4pacifists said...


I'm aware of the FFRF and am no fan, for some of the reasons you cite. But while I'm often on the opposite side of Hitchens (I disagree with his current anti-God argument), I have a great deal of respect for his thoughtful logic and deep analysis, particularly regarding the justification for the war on terror. On that subject, I have strong feelings. You've stated a conclusion eliding facts and syllogism; copying a compound word doesn't make it so.

Unknown said...

To accuse one of "eliding facts" is to attack the debater.
Saying anything "doesn't make it so."

Also, the accurate atheist is not "anti-god" for the obvious reason. Hitchens book should have been titled: "God Is Not."

@nooil4pacifists said...


Nonsense. I'm not attacking you, I'm pointing out that you've supplied neither facts nor argument. Your debate stinks; I have no opinion about the debater.

Unknown said...

Again, God is not; childish, wishful thinking gets nothing done.

There's no one living in the sky; the soul-idea is just more of the same clap-trap.

Your IQ is probably twice as high as mine but I'm right.

Oh, and Pope Johnnie Paul apparently rose from the dead; it's on the news. So, I'm wrong.