Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's A Republican?

I agree with all five points in today's New York Sun editorial, excerpted here:
  • Reductions in top marginal tax rates provide incentives for growth and lead to greater government revenues in the long run. . . This is neither a Republican nor a Democratic principle — it was understood by Presidents Reagan, Kennedy, and Coolidge. It's classical economics.

  • Growth requires the free movement of goods, capital, and labor. . . It was one of Reagan's greatest achievements that he moved the Republican Party into the pro-immigration camp, and one of President Clinton's greatest that he moved the Democratic Party into the free-trade camp.

  • America is a big tent. This concerns not only the immigration issue but cultural issues as well. America will be healthier, and both political parties will be healthier, if both parties are places where religious and secular Americans, blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, rich, poor, labor and management, farmers and city-dwellers, young and old, are welcome and comfortable. America's diversity is one of its strengths.

  • Projection of American military might leads to peace, and we need to be committed to winning our wars. Reagan understood that the Soviet Union was not only evil but a bizarre and temporary phenomenon. President Bush has emphasized that freedom is God's gift to all mankind. We are at a juncture today when there will be temptations to isolationism, a tendency that infected both the pre-Eisenhower Republican Party and the post-McGovern Democratic Party. America will be safer and the world will be freer if the temptation is resisted.

  • Empowering individuals to make their own choices on education, health care, and retirement planning is a winning formula. Parents are the best at choosing a school for their child. Patients are best at choosing a doctor or a hospital or an insurance company. Individuals are best at deciding how to invest their own retirement savings. Against a Democratic Party dominated by the teachers' union, pushing socialized medicine, and fear-mongering about Social Security privatization, these are winning issues for Republicans.
National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru's speculation that Bush's tax cuts "appear to have caused revenue to be lower than it would otherwise have been" is flatly wrong, as my previous post demonstrates. The Sun is right; read the whole thing.


Unknown said...

1. Grenada--a farce + loss of life took place one day after Lebanon....

2. Sent troops to Lebanon with no plan--241 Marines slaughtered. Then cut and ran.

3. Stategy during Iraq-Iran war failed--disastrous long-term consequences.

4. El Salvador--supported govt hoodlums--many deaths in civil war.

5. Called the Contras in Nicaragua "Freedom Fighters." This was one of the all-time presidential lies. led to Iran-Contra.

6. Immigration policy paved way for today's slow yet steady unraveling of "America as we know it." Immigrant crime, both legal and non is semi-holocaustal.

7. Ronnie's gang hastened mergers, closings, downsizing---turned U.S. into debtor nation. Destroyed trade balance permanently.

Borrow and Spend vs tax and spend.

8. Accelerated phony War on Drugs which has given us 800,000 gang members in U.S. Ronnie gave us unsafe streets, crime that made the Roaring 20's look tame.

9. Electrocuted the Environment with James Watt.

10. Hated the working man; broke unionism as we knew it.

11. Re-instated shooting wolves from helicopters in Alaska. Act of a coward and faux cowboy.

All told, Reagan's eight years caused countless numbers of human deaths and put the country back into the hands of its Corporate Masters.

His cons and he got away with everything.

That's what Repubs do.

SR said...

How's the Kool Aid?

@nooil4pacifists said...


You're gonna need better thought-out and sourced points to engage me. But, as a preview, I'll give you this: though population, energy consumption and GDP are rising in the U.S., air pollution's way down, as is water pollution and air toxic releases -- even with Republicans in the White House. Poorer and Communist countries, especially China, are far worse. But now that Communism collapsed, Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic -- who suffered under Soviet communism for years -- says the left uses current environmental sloganism to undermine growth, freedom and democracy.

So fact check before you post. American leaders -- Republicans and Democrats -- didn't "electrocute" the environment: they saved and preserved it. Learn reality before commenting next.

Kyle Foley said...

republicans also support the world bank. here are the numbers of deaths due to riots caused by structural adjustment policies before the year 1992. (i haven't research 92 to present yet)

venezuala 600.00 1989.00
algeria 200.00 1988.00
trinidad 50.00 1990.00
nigeria 36.00 1989.00

@nooil4pacifists said...


You got the wrong guy: I would zero-budget the World Bank in a Manhattan minute--with the market working, why should America fund below-cost loans to sovereigns who can go bankrupt without consequences? And, the only person responsible for riot deaths are rioters. Besides, both Democrats and Republicans historically have supported the Bank, so it's absurd to blame only one party.