Friday, September 02, 2005

Clinton's New Conspiracy

Seven and a half years after she blamed her husband's sex scandal on a "vast right wing conspiracy," Hillary Clinton returns to the loony left wing of her party in Katrina's aftermath:
Pressed by constituents alarmed by skyrocketing gasoline prices in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) accused oil companies of manipulating energy markets to enhance profits and decried a lack of national leadership for a plan to free the country from dependence on foreign oil.

"I want to go after the oil companies and the oil speculators and the manipulators of the money, because they're the ones who I think are really behind this," Clinton told an audience in Elmira Heights on Thursday. "You have a hurricane, and all of a sudden you see prices going up like that. That has . . . everything to do with people trying to make money off the backs of this tragedy."

Clinton repeatedly took aim at record profits rolled up by energy giants during the last quarter as crude oil prices have continued to rise. Her rhetoric that was at times angry, exasperated, frustrated and passionate. "You just cannot convince me that they are not manipulating this market," she told another audience near Newark, N.Y.
This is logic, leftist style. If energy companies were as omniscient and powerful as Hillary claims, surely they'd intervene without destroying all those off-shore drilling platforms and coastal refineries. Add Hillary to the list of Democrats who don't know much about simple supply and demand.

(via The Corner)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh - they understand supply and demand quite well - they just realize that they can play politics and fudge numbers because they think they're constituents don't know the difference. Those constituents may or may not understand it - but they get caught up in emotion and forget about rationale...