Friday, June 03, 2005

First (Stolen) Headline Contest

I've shamelessly swiped this from Kathryn Lopez at NRO; it's too tempting to ignore. The contest asks readers to enter in comments their best headline for the following story (quoted here only in part):
Nine French fighter jets and a radar plane stayed overnight at Atlantic City International Airport after bad weather prevented them from returning to their aircraft carrier off the Virginia coast, authorities said Friday.

The planes, low on fuel, initially asked for permission to land Thursday at a United States military installation but lacked the clearance number, said Noel Clay, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department.

The planes, which had been conducting military exercises, then sought and received permission for emergency landings at the airport here around 3:45 p.m.
Read it all. Contest closes Monday afternoon.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

France's Finest Defeated By American Fog

Lost, Broke And Grounded

Atlantic City Shelters French Losers

Send These, The homeless, Tempest-tost To Me (with apologies to Emma Lazarus)