Sunday, November 07, 2004

War and . . . Press?

The American/Iraqi assault on Fallujah began early Monday (Iraq time). In anticipation, the enemy's deployed what I'm sure they think a brilliant defense: the Mujahideen invited western journalists to embed reporters with the terrorists!

Consider the implications: William Shirer left Berlin in December 1940. If he'd stayed, would "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" been titled "The Rape of the League of Nations and Spurn of France"? Would "Roosevelt = Hitler"? Not if Hitler never equaled Hitler.

Despite that risk, I fully support the terrorists--if I make the assignments. I've started a list below; additions solicited in comments.

  1. Dan Rather

  2. Robert Fisk

  3. Robert Scheer

  4. John Pilger
(via Command Post)

1 comment:

Deb said...

5. Greg Palast
6. James Wolcott
7. Antonia Zerbisias
and, towards the goal of getting more realism and legitimacy (?!) in the blogosphere:
8. Oliver Willis
9. Kos