Friday, March 19, 2004

Where's Waldo?

Beeb bias update! Under the headline "Mass Rape Atrocity," an article on the BBC website describes an assault by "Arab militiamen" on the small village of Tawila, Sudan, about two weeks ago:
75 people were killed in the attack. . . All houses as well as a market and a health centre were completely looted and the market burnt. Over 100 women were raped, six in front of their fathers who were later killed . . . A further 150 women and 200 children were abducted.
Although the BBC says the Arab militia was "backed by the government" and engaged in "ethnic cleansing," the article elides the fact that Sudan's civil war pits the Arab government against the Christian and Animist south of the country. The Beeb provides no context, as if the horror sprang out of the air.

Which, for the BBC, it did. Were the Beeb actually trying to inform the audience, the article would have contained three obvious, but missing, words:




"How many times must a man look up/Before he can see the sky?"

The Second Coming will arrive before the Beeb gets its head out of radical Islam's ass--meaning before its news has any relation to the truth.

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